Monday, March 12, 2012

conversations on treadmills.

i am, for the best part one of the nosiest people you will ever meet. for others this means, me entering a conversation towards the end and wanting them to backtrack so i can hear it all again. if there is a secret, i must know, if i cant know; i will google it until i do. this also means i spend alot of my time at work or when im out getting to know peoples stories.

okay, so perhaps 'nosey' wasnt the right term, perhaps inquisitive/curious teamed with an unweathering persistence is correct. it was a self realization i have only recently made; after i found myself having a full blown conversation with a guy while we ran side by side on the treadmill at my local PT Studios. how we managed to keep this up between interval changing my speeds, sweating and breathing quite heavily still boggles me. however, what impresses me the most is that in the short conversation we had i managed to find out; where he was from, where he lived before australia, what he did for work; and therefore could he make me a website? did he have a business card and somehow we ended up talking about his vodka consumption for 12 hours straight at a wedding, which is how, of course, he had been led to the treadmill; he said as he patted his belly.

the rush then for me, is that when i put it in the grande perspective of all things, my life and my path is not even a grain of sand. not even half a grain of sand, compared to the rest. sometimes i look out and i wonder who all these people are, i think alot of the time we get so caught up thinking the world revolves around us. so it is the most beautiful of moments, when you take the time to have a chat to someone new. find out their story; everyone has one.

for me, it grounds me. and so, this week i encourage you all the have a conversation with nobody. that is, someone who is a nobody to you.

i of course do not encourage giving out numbers, i had a similar experience with a man from egypt that i spoke to at these factory outlets in the middle of the desert in Las Vegas last year, he still calls me to this day. then again, maybe he is here to share with me his story.

life is funny, not just for you.
find out.

with love, M

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